

One of the perks of GerNet membership is that you can participate in our mentoring scheme, in which you will receive individual help, assessment and advice from an experienced GerNet member.

Who is eligible?

The mentoring scheme is open to members of the ITI German Network. If you are interested in applying for membership, please email our coordinator coordinator@itigermannetwork.org.uk

How does it work?

We will match you with a suitable mentor for your preferred subject area and put you in contact so you can make individual arrangements. The mentor will set a total of three 500-word texts to translate, roughly one every two months. Mentors may suggest a piece they have already translated themselves and, if they wish, show their own translation at the end. After reviewing each piece, the mentor will send you feedback and advice.

How much does it cost?

The mentee pays the mentor £45 (some mentors may have to charge VAT on this) for three sessions. The mentee will receive an invoice for tax purposes.

When and how can I apply?

The mentoring scheme runs throughout the year, subject to availability of mentors. If you are interested, please email the ITI German Network coordinator coordinator@itigermannetwork.org.uk